As part of Port-Villa and Dumbea’s twinning, both cities have carried various projects since 2003. Cultural and sport exchanges, as well as solidarity activities have come to light.

In order to strengthen their connection, both communities have moved forward with an ambitious project of creating a “Relais de la Francophonie”.

The building of this future Relais de la Francophonie is located in Nambatu, Port-Vila.

The main objectives are to contribute :

- to the promotion of French language and its values in Vanuatu
- to gather different French-speaking partners from different areas such as culture, social rights defence, economic and climate change issues.

CREIPAC is a public institution of New Caledonia and it has been given charge by the city of Dumbéa to identify your needs in terms of promoting the French language in Vanuatu.
You are :
You work in :
What are your needs? Tick the boxes that match your needs.
More generally, what are your needs, what services are you looking for?
More generally, what are your needs, what services are you looking for?
In terms of space: Do you need a conference room?
If yes, how often?
Concerning the timetable, do you only need the conference room:
Do you need offices?
If yes, how often?
Concerning the timetable, do you only need offices :
Do you need an internet connection / telephone / photocopier?
Thank you for time and for answering this survey. Please answer before the 31st October 2021. If you need further information or exchange with us on a more specific point, please contact us by email at: creipac@creipac.nc